Admin Terraform Versions API
The /admin/terraform-versions
API endpoint lets site administrators manage which versions of Terraform are available to use for Terraform operations.
Terraform Enterprise Only: The admin API is exclusive to Terraform Enterprise, and can only be used by the admins and operators who install and maintain their organization's Terraform Enterprise instance.
List all Terraform versions
GET /api/v2/admin/terraform-versions
This endpoint lists all known versions of Terraform.
Status | Response | Reason |
200 | JSON API document (type: "terraform-versions" ) | Successfully listed Terraform versions |
404 | JSON API error object | Client is not an administrator. |
Query Parameters
This endpoint supports pagination with standard URL query parameters. Remember to percent-encode [
as %5B
and ]
as %5D
if your tooling doesn't automatically encode URLs.
Parameter | Description |
filter[version] | Optional. A query string. This will find an exact Terraform version matching the version queried. This option takes precedence over search queries. |
search[version] | Optional. A search query string. This will search for Terraform versions matching the version number queried. |
page[number] | Optional. If omitted, the endpoint will return the first page. |
page[size] | Optional. If omitted, the endpoint will return 20 Terraform versions per page. |
Sample Request
curl \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
--header "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" \
Sample Response
"data": [
"id": "tool-L4oe7rNwn7J4E5Yr",
"type": "terraform-versions",
"attributes": {
"version": "0.11.8",
"url": "https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/0.11.8/terraform_0.11.8_linux_amd64.zip",
"sha": "84ccfb8e13b5fce63051294f787885b76a1fedef6bdbecf51c5e586c9e20c9b7",
"deprecated": false,
"deprecated-reason": null,
"official": true,
"enabled": true,
"beta": false,
"usage": 0,
"created-at": "2018-08-15T22:34:24.561Z"
"id": "tool-qcbYn12vuRKPgPpy",
"type": "terraform-versions",
"attributes": {
"version": "0.11.7",
"url": "https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/0.11.7/terraform_0.11.7_linux_amd64.zip",
"sha": "6b8ce67647a59b2a3f70199c304abca0ddec0e49fd060944c26f666298e23418",
"deprecated": false,
"deprecated-reason": null,
"official": true,
"enabled": true,
"beta": false,
"usage": 2,
"created-at": null
"links": {
"self": "https://tfe.example.com/api/v2/admin/terraform-versions?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20",
"first": "https://tfe.example.com/api/v2/admin/terraform-versions?page%5Bnumber%5D=1&page%5Bsize%5D=20",
"prev": null,
"next": "https://tfe.example.com/api/v2/admin/terraform-versions?page%5Bnumber%5D=2&page%5Bsize%5D=20",
"last": "https://tfe.example.com/api/v2/admin/terraform-versions?page%5Bnumber%5D=4&page%5Bsize%5D=20"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"current-page": 1,
"prev-page": null,
"next-page": 2,
"total-pages": 4,
"total-count": 70
Create a Terraform version
POST /api/v2/admin/terraform-versions
Status | Response | Reason |
201 | JSON API document (type: "terraform-versions" ) | The Terraform version was successfully created |
404 | JSON API error object | Client is not an administrator |
422 | JSON API error object | Validation errors |
Request Body
This POST endpoint requires a JSON object with the following properties as a request payload.
Properties without a default value are required.
Key path | Type | Default | Description |
data.type | string | Must be "terraform-versions" | |
data.attributes.version | string | A semantic version string in N.N.N or N.N.N-bundleName format (e.g. "0.11.0" , "0.12.20-beta1" .) | |
data.attributes.url | string | The URL where a ZIP-compressed 64-bit Linux binary of this version can be downloaded | |
data.attributes.sha | string | The SHA-256 checksum of the compressed Terraform binary | |
data.attributes.deprecated | bool | false | Whether or not this version of Terraform is deprecated |
data.attributes.deprecated-reason | string | null | Additional context about why a version of Terraform is deprecated. Field is null unless deprecated is true. |
data.attributes.official | bool | false | Whether or not this is an official release of Terraform |
data.attributes.enabled | bool | true | Whether or not this version of Terraform is enabled for use in HCP Terraform |
data.attributes.beta | bool | false | Whether or not this version of Terraform is a beta pre-release |
Sample Payload
"data": {
"type": "terraform-versions",
"attributes": {
"version": "0.11.8",
"url": "https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/0.11.8/terraform_0.11.8_linux_amd64.zip",
"sha": "84ccfb8e13b5fce63051294f787885b76a1fedef6bdbecf51c5e586c9e20c9b7",
"official": true,
"enabled": true,
"beta": false
Sample Request
curl \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
--header "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" \
--request POST \
--data @payload.json \
Sample Response
"data": {
"id": "tool-L4oe7rNwn7J4E5Yr",
"type": "terraform-versions",
"attributes": {
"version": "0.11.8",
"url": "https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/0.11.8/terraform_0.11.8_linux_amd64.zip",
"sha": "84ccfb8e13b5fce63051294f787885b76a1fedef6bdbecf51c5e586c9e20c9b7",
"official": true,
"deprecated": false,
"deprecated-reason": null,
"enabled": true,
"beta": false,
"usage": 0,
"created-at": "2018-08-15T22:34:24.561Z"
Show a Terraform version
GET /api/v2/admin/terraform-versions/:id
Parameter | Description |
:id | The ID of the Terraform version to show |
Status | Response | Reason |
200 | JSON API document (type: "terraform-versions" ) | The request was successful |
404 | JSON API error object | Terraform version not found, or client is not an administrator |
Sample Request
curl \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
--header "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" \
Sample Response
"data": {
"id": "tool-L4oe7rNwn7J4E5Yr",
"type": "terraform-versions",
"attributes": {
"version": "0.11.8",
"url": "https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/0.11.8/terraform_0.11.8_linux_amd64.zip",
"sha": "84ccfb8e13b5fce63051294f787885b76a1fedef6bdbecf51c5e586c9e20c9b7",
"official": true,
"deprecated": false,
"deprecated-reason": null,
"enabled": true,
"beta": false,
"usage": 0,
"created-at": "2018-08-15T22:34:24.561Z"
Update a Terraform version
PATCH /api/v2/admin/terraform-versions/:id
Parameter | Description |
:id | The ID of the Terraform version to update |
Status | Response | Reason |
200 | JSON API document (type: "terraform-versions" ) | The Terraform version was successfully updated |
404 | JSON API error object | Terraform version not found, or client is not an administrator |
422 | JSON API error object | Validation errors |
Request Body
This PATCH endpoint requires a JSON object with the following properties as a request payload.
Properties without a default value are required.
Key path | Type | Default | Description |
data.type | string | Must be "terraform-versions" | |
data.attributes.version | string | (previous value) | A semantic version string in N.N.N or N.N.N-bundleName format (e.g. "0.11.0" , "0.12.20-beta1" .) |
data.attributes.url | string | (previous value) | The URL where a ZIP-compressed 64-bit Linux binary of this version can be downloaded |
data.attributes.sha | string | (previous value) | The SHA-256 checksum of the compressed Terraform binary |
data.attributes.official | bool | (previous value) | Whether or not this is an official release of Terraform |
data.attributes.deprecated | bool | (previous value) | Whether or not this version of Terraform is deprecated |
data.attributes.deprecated-reason | string | (previous value) | Additional context about why a version of Terraform is deprecated. |
data.attributes.enabled | bool | (previous value) | Whether or not this version of Terraform is enabled for use in HCP Terraform |
data.attributes.beta | bool | (previous value) | Whether or not this version of Terraform is a beta pre-release |
Sample Payload
"data": {
"type": "terraform-versions",
"attributes": {
"deprecated": true,
"deprecated-reason": "A bug was discovered in this version of Terraform. Please upgrade as soon as possible"
Sample Request
curl \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
--header "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" \
--request PATCH \
--data @payload.json \
Sample Response
"data": {
"id": "tool-L4oe7rNwn7J4E5Yr",
"type": "terraform-versions",
"attributes": {
"version": "0.11.8",
"url": "https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/0.11.8/terraform_0.11.8_linux_amd64.zip",
"sha": "84ccfb8e13b5fce63051294f787885b76a1fedef6bdbecf51c5e586c9e20c9b7",
"official": true,
"deprecated": true,
"deprecated-reason": "A bug was discovered in this version of Terraform. Please upgrade as soon as possible",
"enabled": true,
"beta": false,
"usage": 0,
"created-at": "2018-08-15T22:34:24.561Z"
Delete a Terraform version
DELETE /api/v2/admin/terraform-versions/:id
This endpoint removes a Terraform version from HCP Terraform. Versions cannot be removed if they are labeled as official versions of Terraform or if there are workspaces using them.
Parameter | Description |
:id | The ID of the Terraform version to delete |
Status | Response | Reason |
204 | Empty response | The Terraform version was successfully deleted |
404 | JSON API error object | Terraform version not found, or client is not an administrator |
422 | JSON API error object | The Terraform version cannot be removed (it is official or is in use) |
Sample Request
curl \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
--header "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" \
--request DELETE \